Hello, Dear Adventurers!
Since releasing the last chapter a few weeks ago, our focus has been on fixing bugs, as well as improving the overall gameplay with balancing adjustments and new features.
There have been over 100 changes since version 0.962, here is a summary of the main ones:
[Content & Features]
– Added missing illustrations to the final scene when you finish the game!
– New setting: You can now choose which mouse button you use to look around.
– New setting: Brightness boost, useful on darker monitors.
– New setting: Instant display of the inventory, skipping the sliding animation (the animation is now deactivated by default).
[Balancing & Improving]
– We have reworked the maximum carrying weight. You can now carry much more.
– Sound effect added when using an invisible teleporter.
– Some 2D text plates now have different backgrounds to fit the ones in the 3D environment.
– Some items that were difficult to pick up, are now easier to pick up from the 3D environment.
– Various items have been adjusted.
– All food items now work the same way: no more progress bars or portions. Food can now all be stacked. Food items found previously, such as bread or cheese, will be converted into stackable items.
– Several fixes in the tutorial level.
– An issue that could occur when climbing ladders that could lead to the player being stuck was fixed!
– Various dialogue and item text fixes.
– Improved collisions in various places, especially in the Storage area.
– Occlusion fixes (walls/floors not being displayed correctly, with black tiles and walls instead).
– Some tiles on the Automap that did not display correctly have been fixed.
– Fixed the Temple’s hidden pages secret not working correctly.
– Fixed the displayed secrets count when changing level.
– Fixed some issues with Achievements.
…and many more!
Our priority is currently fixing bugs, however we are gradually moving more towards balancing, spread into 4 categories:
– Puzzle difficulty (changes could range from giving more hints to totally changing the logic of a puzzle, if required).
– AI of creatures and combat difficulty.
– Locations of items and creatures over all of the levels.
– RPG rules such as character progression, combat efficiency, etc.
Some features and content that will be added:
– Features related to the UI (better feedback, more information)
– A merchant will be available in the City of Barimbar.
– New spells, new items and more!
So stay tuned, and thanks again to the community for the valuable support, and a special thank you for all the feedback and help with finding bugs and other issues!